
Through the charm of the form and the attention to details and enhancing the light, I try to capture the psychology of the characters with a suffused introspection. These are realistic portraits immersed in an evanescent brightness, in an intimate atmosphere, to arouse feelings of expectation and mystery. The figurative merges with surrealism, capturing the intricate relationships between time, perception and reality, trying to arouse feelings of stillness, reflection, to lead the viewer to wonder what lies beyond all the serenity that is initially perceived. A silent, dreamlike and mystical dimension that transfigures the subjects represented that seem to pose existential questions.
Paolo Terdich
5 Artworks curated by Paolo Terdich
Custodito nel cuore thumb

Custodito nel cuore

Paintings, 19.7 W x 27.6 H x 0.8 D in



Prints from $50

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Io regolo il tempo thumb

Io regolo il tempo

Paintings, 19.7 W x 27.6 H x 0.8 D in


Prints from $50

Pensieri 3 thumb

Pensieri 3

Paintings, 19.7 W x 27.6 H x 0.8 D in


Prints from $50

Pausa thumb


Paintings, 19.7 W x 27.6 H x 0.4 D in


Prints from $50

Music thumb


Drawings, 19.7 W x 27.6 H x 0.4 D in


Prints from $50

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